Product vs Project Teams

Any organization funds itself through various projects. Project teams are formed as a result of the demand in different projects. Lately, projects received by an organization involve developing a functioning product. The use of traditional approaches does not fit well into the modern framework. Project teams are dismantled immediately after a project is completed. If the project’s output is a product, there needs to be a servicing team, operation team, and support team to continue maintaining the product. This creates new challenges in workforce assignment, budget assignment, and overall efficiency of operations. Teams built for the right purpose, keeping the future in mind is the most effective solution to dealing with this issue

What are project teams?

A project team is a multidisciplinary team in which the members picked out from various departments are brought together. The primary responsibility of a project team involves completing the project work according to a project schedule. The success of a project team depends on the skills of the members who need to be flexible enough to cater to different phases of a project life cycle. A project manager and few other people of authority lead the project team to the completion of the project.

Disadvantages of a project team –

What are product teams?

A product team ideally is an output-oriented, cross-functional, and long-lived team that focuses on solving problems rather than delivering the outcome in a scheduled time. These teams take up problems that need continuous improvements and updates. The individuals or sub-teams focus on narrow and precise functions instead of having a holistic outlook. The team and its association with the problem area are long-lived. They prioritize achieving flow instead of predictability and focus more on output rather than outcomes. This is a more modern approach that drives business through a digital platform in the contemporary world.

Difference between a project team and a product team –

Benefits of product teams –

Hence, project teams aren’t necessarily bad, but just outdated. Product teams cater better to the needs of the digital world of business. It has greater responsiveness and realizes more benefits than a traditional project team. Transitioning from a project team to a product team must be done in small steps, learning and adapting on the way. Making big changes on projected benefits is the strategy of a project team. To form a product team, start with one or two changes and observing the benefits before going further. This is the approach a proficient product team will take.